Wednesday, 27 October 2010

Day 198: Wednesday 27th October 2010

Today I just took another picture of my gorgeous fat cat! My parents have gone away for a couple of week so I'm on cat duty, and I've got to pay her lots of attention at the mo, she's very old and getting a little frail bless her!

Day 197: Tuesday 26th October 2010

Was inspired by Diane Arbus for this one! Apparently her first ever photo she took before becoming famous was a simple picture of a light bulb. For those that don't know Diane Arbus was an incredibly talented photographer with a troubled life. I wrote a screenplay about her life for a project at uni and thoroughly recommend and photography fan to read her autobiography and check out her work....

Day 196: Monday 25th October 2010

Helped my mum pack for her holiday today, (her and dad are off on a fancy cruise!), got to play stylist and advised on accessories and what not, always fun...

Day 195: Sunday 24th October 2010

Caught a quick picture of some sun rays coming through the bathroom window this afternoon....

Day 194: Saturday 23rd October 2010

Lovely day off today :) Spent some of it sorting out my shoe collection! Turns out I have an addiction to boots....

Day 193: Friday 22nd October 2010

My poor boy is ill with some nasty virus thing at the mo, and so is everyone at work! Flu season is officially in full swing! To avoid it I'm downing multi vitamin tablets and scoffing these....

Thursday, 21 October 2010

Day 192: Thursday 21st October 2010

Today I just took a quick snap of some pretty potted plants in my garden, another chilly Autumnal day!

Day 191: Wednesday 20th October 2010

Is it weird that I kinda wanna go to this local Halloween thing.....that's designed for kids.....looks

Day 190: Tuesday 19th October 2010

Today I got a little package in the post! I blogged about it on Limbo, it was a little illustration by the brilliant Kate Wilson.....

Day 189: Monday 18th October 2010

Worked from home today and was freezing my lil butt off! So snuggled up with some long socks :)

(PS doing some fancy editing over at Picnik incase you were wondering....)

Day 188: Sunday 17th October 2010

My mum brought home this crazy hat from work today (she works in a charity shop) couldn't resist a silly snap...

Saturday, 16 October 2010

Day 187: Saturday 16th October 2010

DAY OFF! Yay :) Went to Starbucks with some friends, took some photo's, even blogged about it on Limbo. Here are some pictures for yas....

Day 186: Friday 15th October 2010

Come on- last day of 10 day stretch at work! I treated myself by buying an illustration print! Took a picture of my poor wallet, which is getting far too much action recently....

Day 185: Thursday 14th October 2010

Went into town before work today to have some yummy lunch in a coffee shop. I took a picture on my i-phone. I know, I live life to the max right?

Wednesday, 13 October 2010

Day 184: Wednesday 13th October 2010

Today is working day number 8 out of my 10 day week- so close to the end I can almost taste the lie in! In other news, it's been blummin freezing today! So I took a picture of these potatoes. Because I envy them baking in that oven. Lucky bastards.

Day 183: Tuesday 12th October 2010

Today I took a couple of pictures of my 2 pairs of glasses I recently got :) I then wrote about them on Limbo....

Day 182: Monday 11th October 2010

I know I take a picture of my Elle magazine pretty much every month....but it's a big part of my life! Hehe, I do love my magazines :) especially the fat, glossy, fashiony kind. Yum.

Day 181: Sunday 10th October 2010

Picked up some new glasses today (on 10/10/10) and I was more than a little impressed by the stylish case that came with it!

Swanky no?

Saturday, 9 October 2010

Day 180: Saturday 9th October 2010

Work for me all weekend! In fact I'm at the start of a 10 day stretch...this is what happens when you have 2 jobs darn it. Photo today is of some local wildlife currently getting me through my looooong work week.

Sometimes you just need to eat some sugar covered alligators.

Day 179: Friday 8th October 2010

Photo today is of some cute boxes my mum picked up at a recent wedding- she's like me, a sucker for anything pretty :)

Day 178: Thursday 7th October 2010

This eve I got to eat Chinese and watch DVD's with my lovely boyfriend :) We watched 'Whip it' in the end- film about a young girl finding herself through the love of roller derby- Drew Barrymore's directing debut and starring Ellen Page. Wasn't the greatest movie I've ever seen... but was a sweet coming of age tale none the less.

I took a snap of the UH-mazing picture my boy gets on his giant HD TV....

Wednesday, 6 October 2010

Day 177: Wednesday 6th October 2010

Today I accidentally stole- read my tale of criminal activity on Limbo.

Pic of the day is a pretty new dress I got today- again, here's a little snippet....take a peek at Limbo for more shots :)

Day 176: Tuesday 5th October 2010

First of all- Happy anniversary to my lovely mum and dad!! 36 happy years today :)

I had myself another lovely day off with Antony which consisted of eating, movie watching, music listening, more eating, (break for drilling fun at the dentist), more movie watching and just a little bit more eating.

Antony cooked me risotto- my favourite :)

Monday, 4 October 2010

Day 175: Monday 4th October 2010

Day off for me today, and it's panning out to look something like this- breakfast, Gilmore Girls, washing, blogging, job hunting, lunch, Elle magazine.

So I took a picture of the washing machine. Yeah, I know. I need to get out more.

OH YEAH- I forgot to mention, I've posted some of my fish eye camera pictures on Limbo, take a peek photography fans....

Day 174: Sunday 3rd October 2010

Another dull day of shop-keeping. I did however pick up my new glasses this week! I also have another pair coming my way next week (2 for 1) which are gorgeous Jasper Conran frames. A lot of people ask why I don't just wear contacts, the truth is, I used to wear them and got a bad infection which lead to my left eye being permanently scarred. I now have hardly any vision out of my left eye, and I don't really want to risk my right one getting hurt by wearing contacts again- plus I love the fact that glasses are a fashion accessory :)

Day 173: Saturday 2nd October 2010

I got home from work today and took a quick snap of some bright leaves in our garden- love Autumn :)

Day 172: Friday 1st October 2010

Today we had a little visitor in our garden! A rather brave young fox. He wondered past our window, (completely unfazed by me, my mum and dad staring), and proceeded to wonder around our garden. Then a rather brave young cat came into the picture....

A stand off took place with both animals arching their backs waiting to pounce. Luckily the fox saw an escape route and made a run for it- I would not have wanted to sort that clean up. I got one photo, you can just about see the fox staring at his opponent, the cat was behind the tree...