Thursday, 27 May 2010

Day 46: Thursday 27th May 2010

Last night I probably slept for about an hour maybe two....I blame a mix of caffeine and my brain not finding the off switch. Today has felt like wading through mud to get anything done. So a new best friend for today. She's called bed. And she's effing brilliant.

Day 45: Wednesday 26th May 2010

A picture of my new best friend today! Really need to start exercising more, I'm used to working in retail, being on my feet all day and running around like a headless chicken! Sitting on my tush all day writing is fantastic, but its making me lazy and strangely drawn to cake....

Tuesday, 25 May 2010

Day 44: Tuesday 25th May 2010

First day of work as a freelance writer! Working from home is definitely going to have its pros and cons....

pros: Can listen to loud music, no money spent on lunch, watch TV during lunch breaks, can wake up later and just roll out of bed to the desk

Con's: People phoning trying to sell you things, lots of distractions, next to a window so can see the sun shining brightly..

Either way I'm just happy to be writing all day :) Here's my pile of research I gotta get through!

Day 43: Monday 24th May 2010

Another day in London for me today. Had lunch with my boss and found out a little more about my freelancing for them which was nice :) Start tomorrow, really hope I can stay with this company for a while in any form, such a great team. After work I met my good friends Emily and Fi for dinner! We all ate a lil too much so went for a walk to settle our stomachs! Walked past a pretty house and by a pretty canal full of geese family's :D

Sunday, 23 May 2010

Day 42: Sunday 23rd May 2010

Today must have been the hottest day of the year so far, amazing weather! After a slightly tipsy evening out with my sister we took our hangovers out for a pretty day in the sun. We....had a pub lunch, got gorgeous dresses at bargain prices at TK MAXX, ate ice cream in the sun, walked around a pretty castle and its gardens, sat in a beer garden, walked past a pretty river with swans and cows and walked back to Sara's pretty flat! Have like 80 photos...will put up a very selected few!

Even the rubbish was enjoying the sun....

Saturday, 22 May 2010

Day 41: Saturday 22nd May 2010

Another lovely day sitting in the sun! A bit too much fun was had in the sun however, I stupidly forgot to put on suncream (you never feel like you need to in England right?)and I got burnt. Still, off to Godalming tonight to see my sisters new flat, have a few drinkies and then spend tomorrow in the sun again! Lots of photo's tomorrow me thinks...

Anyway- here's the burn (ouch)

Friday, 21 May 2010

Day 40: Friday 20th May 2010

What superb weather we've had the last couple of days? Makes me so excited for summer, really is a novelty not to have to think about wrapping yourself in a million layers before braving the outdoors.

Double whammy today, first is a pic of the pretty sunset last night through Antony's net curtain, second is me reading a book in the sun today! Listened to Cate le Bon and went for a walk with my mumma too. Nice day :)

Thursday, 20 May 2010

Day 39: Thursday 20th May 2010

Couldn't resist a quick pic of my gorgeous puss cat today....

Wednesday, 19 May 2010

Day 38: Wednesday 19th May 2010

I love London. Even the posters, stuck up and then neglected, look really frickin cool.

'Save the wild mountain giants!!!'

Day 37: Tuesday 18th May 2010

Have discovered a new method of photography... I love taking snaps of people on the street when they're not looking but find it really hard with my less than subtle big ass canon. So instead I simply hung it around my neck and snapped in the general direction of what I thought looked nice, without looking through the viewfinder. Ended up giving me some good shots of people and things :)

This one was my favourite....

Monday, 17 May 2010

Day 36: Monday 17th May 2010

Another lovely day in London, here's what I saw: some angry men trying to fight in the street(boo- make love not war gangsta's!), Bagel the dog(comes to visit the office sometimes, bootyful pooch), a girl wearing electric blue cowboy boots (jealous much?)....oh and this pretty decorative thing in the toilets! Kinda wanted to steal it and bring it home for the new pretty bathroom.....

Sunday, 16 May 2010

Day 35: Sunday 16th May

These are just a couple of pictures I took using my new iPhone app which makes pictures look like Polaroids! I used to have a Polaroid camera but lost it over the years, will have to invest in a new one :)The 1st pic is of one of the many Sunday supplements that I look forward too every weekend and the 2nd is of a print I have on show on my wardrobe door!

Day 34: Saturday 15th May 2010

Went to see one of my best friends in the evening today, which was great as she doesn't live around here anymore and don't get to see her pretty face as much as I like! Took this picture of a lamp post on the way home, haven't taken many night shots yet!

Friday, 14 May 2010

Day 33: Friday 14th May 2010

Best. Day. Ever. Started off with a casual coffee in the morning with my boss at the internship who proceeded to ask me if I would be interested in doing some freelance writing for them for their brand pages! Basically this means a full time PAID job!! It won't last forever, but there is always the possibility that things could go further...I am so happy, finally going to be getting paid to do something I love, writing about fashion! Following on from that I enjoyed a cupcake from the hummingbird bakery in the afternoon and went to a BBQ with people from the office and socialised over cans of Pimms! GOOD DAY.

The picture for today is my first street style photo I took for the Empora blog this morning (company I'm interning/working at!) take a look!...

Thursday, 13 May 2010

Day 32: Thursday 13th May 2010

For some reason today my headache is back with avengence. Have been working from home the last couple of days due to it and it's really starting to get to me. I should be used to them by now but having a pretty much constant headache for 5 days can wear you down. Am back on my medication for them... plus herbal tablets. I'm rattling as I walk. Going to the office to work tomorrow though, can't stay at home anymore, getting cabin fever! so hopefully the fresh air of Portabello Road will sort me out :) Today looked like this...

Day 31: Wednesday 12th May 2010 (1 month!)

Wow, it's been a month of the photography project! Really enjoying it, even though I am fairly sure no one else actually looks at's a nice little diary for me and a good way of having fun with photography :) Tonight I went to an amazing gig (65 Days of Static- check them out!!) with my boyfriend and my sister. Antony got me the tickets for my birthday and it was the best night ever, the support was immense and 65 DOS themselves just totally blew me away. (Note to self: Gigs are fun. Attend more gigs). Here's a pic of the giant disco ball in Koko, crappy i-phone camera again, didn't want to lug around my big SLR all night...

Tuesday, 11 May 2010

Day 30: Tuesday 11th May 2010

Another day of feeling ill and sorry for myself. Headache hasn't quit and getting a cold, just have no energy and all I want to do is sleeeeeeeep. Got a nice email from work about an exciting project and work BBQ which cheered me up! Oh and I found out the job I worked at for a few days (baby shop) has paid me, which eases up my money panic. So my days ending a lot better than it started, even with this beast stomping around in my head. My dad pointed out some flowers in the fading sunlight so got a quick picture- always gotta hang on to the fading sun :)

Monday, 10 May 2010

Day 29: Monday 10th May 2010

A bit of a blah day today. Horrendous headache which has hung around for 3 days now, isn't going anywhere soon. Didn't even go to work because of it. I've always suffered from headaches and even have medication for them, still, days like today make me want to cry and then cut my head off to stop the pain. My sister baked those cookies today to cheer me up :) that and some herbal remedies are taking the edge off :)

Sunday, 9 May 2010

Day 28: Sunday 9th May 2010

Have had a bit of a baking weekend in with the sister, (sometimes you just need time with the family and shut yourselves off from the rest of the world), here's some cakes we made and a box of cookie mix we may attempt today :)

Saturday, 8 May 2010

Day 27: Saturday 8th May 2010

And just for a little contrast here is our bathroom! As I said a builders site at the mo, but I do like his radio :)

Day 26: Friday 7th May 2010

Had an interview today! For a great part-time job that would be perfect, interview wen well but have to wait a couple of weeks before I find out, fingers crossed hey :) After the interview I went to Antony's for a nice chilled eve where I took my photo-of-the-day as I've come to call it! Antony's mum has just had their bathroom re-done and it looks beautiful, especially with these Cath Kitsen make-shift blinds his mum made- adds some colour! We're having our bathroom re-done at our house too, but ours still looks like a building site....

Thursday, 6 May 2010

Day 25: Thursday 6th May 2010

Happy voting day :) Had a very productive day today, applied for more jobs and got myself an interview for tomorrow, signed up to a job agency and voted in the general election! Oh AND got these beauties from my mum's charity shop- book, 'One Day' by David Nicholls (have wanted this for ages and found it for £2!), a Gomez CD (another bargain at £1.99), and a cute over-sized stripy jumper for £4. And yes, I have played with the image, just wanted to try something different :)

Day 24: Wednesday 5th May 2010

Another quite chilly day in London. Saw these sheep skin wonders and wanted to steal one and wrap myself in it for the rest of the day....

Tuesday, 4 May 2010

Day 23: 4th May 2010

May the 4th be with you! Terrible joke my dad just cracked when I asked the date. Bless him. Today I was mostly freezing and ridiculously tired, but I did get to write about the Met Ball and Kurt Geiger at the internship today so that cheered me up. I saw this bike and decided one day I will have it. I shall steal it from its owner and name it Queeny. "Biiiicycle!!" (Geddit?)In an odd mood, I blame lack of sleep. Off to eat sausages and cuddle up in my warm bed :D

Monday, 3 May 2010

Day 22: Monday 3rd May 2010

Happy Bank holiday! Of course with me not having a solid job at the mo means this isn't as exciting a prospect as it is to most, but trust me, with this hangover I really appreciated it. Porridge with sprinkled Cinnamon and Gilmore Girls proved to be my cure :)

Day 21: Sunday 2nd May 2010

Went to Guildford to see my sister today and go out to her local bar for a bit of bank holiday drinking fun. Before we went out we had power naps in the conservatory and I woke up to see Sara's housemates cat, Ralph, posing ever so well on the sofa so I got a quick pic. We then proceeded to drink wine until we couldn't see.

Saturday, 1 May 2010

Day 20: Friday 30th April 2010

Turning into a fairly non-eventful bank holiday weekend unfortunately! Plus the weather is a bit rubbish again, where's the sun? Hopefully going out in Guildford tomorrow night with my sister, so that'll be something. Today got another day with the lovely Antony and did lots of washing. Re-discovered a cute top from years ago, wore it yesterday, washing it today. Vintage Topshop! D'ya like?

Day 19: 29th April 2010

Spent some time with Antony today and had a little rummage through an antique chest of drawers his family has...we then had fun with the magnifying glass. hehe, isn't he bootiful?